“A Tribute to our Freedom Fighters” is a thought provoking engaging production, written and directed by Shadrock Porter.
This remarkable and entertaining anthology demonstrates the talent, passion, and the understanding of our Canadian history. It does this by highlighting several of the most unforgettable leaders in history who have contributed to the fight for racial and social justice and equality throughout our times. Incredible portrayals of historical figures such as Canadian heroes and heroines: Mary-Anne Shad, John Ware, Marie Angelique whose love was not bound by the borders of race, as well as Sir John Graves Simcoe, who was a Canadian who understood the rights of all men and women. Caribbean activist Marcus Garvey, American activist, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Nat Turner, just to name a few. This production also includes the Sweet sounds of cultural songs and the compelling intrigue of interpretive dance, as well as the thought provoking medium of the spoken word.